• India My Love

    India shaped my mind, anchored my identity, influenced my beliefs, and made me who I am. ... India matters to me and I would like to matter to India."-Shashi Tharoor

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    “When we choose a mobile network, do we check whether Airtel or Vodafone belong to a particular caste? No, we simply choose the provider based on the best value or service. Then why do we vote for somebody simply because he belongs to the same caste as us?” ― Chetan Bhagat

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    We will be remembered only if we give to our younger generation a prosperous and safe India, resulting out of economic prosperity coupled with civilizational heritage. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

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    When I was growing up, my parents told me, 'Finish your dinner. People in China and India are starving.' I tell my daughters, 'Finish your homework. People in India and China are starving for your job.' Thomas Friedman

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Thursday 5 March 2015

Holi-Truly Holy

All I love to share on Holi:
1. The word Holi may have come from a mythological character Holika's name.

2.Lord Krishna(People from North India believe), Lord Shiva and Kaamdev, the God of Love(People from South India believe) may have played a significant role in the origination of this festival.

3.It is a Truly secular festival celebrated in all
28 states of India.

4.It has 10 different names in India.

5.It is also celebrated outside India.

6. It also announces the advent of Spring.

7.. The rising trend is for using organic colors in the festival.

8. For the first time Indian markets are flooded by Chinese color powders.

9. It is the only day when kids get the permission to become filthy !

Sunday 8 February 2015

Some unusual paces in India-2

Picture1- Famous Dandakaranya Which is mentioned in The Ramanaya. It  situated between Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh states.

  Picture 2-Dhanushkodi is also known as the ghost city and the lost land, located at the tip of Rameswaram island.It is the only land border between India and Sri Lanka where the remnants of Rama’s Bridge found.
Picture 3-Roopkund,now called as Skeleton lake due to hundreds of human skeletons found at the edge of the lake. Skeleton Lake is a high altitude mountain glacial lake situated at Chamoli district of Uttarakhand.(sources of these skeletons are still unknown)

Thursday 8 January 2015

2 Very unusual places in India

 Today, we will talk about you unusual places in India.
1. Kolli Hills-Kolli hills is a small mountain range located in central Tamil Nadu in Namakkal district of India. The mountains are about 1300 m in height and cover an area of approximately 280 km².(Wiki). There are 70 hairpin bends leading to the hills. The roads are perilous. And mysterious 'cause people say a beautiful woman appears at such bends. She bewitches the travelers and kills them.
2. Roop Kund- at 16,000 ft from sea level Roopkund((locally known as Mystery Lake)
 is a glacial lake in Uttarakhand.It is  (in)famous due to hundreds of human skeletons found at the edge of the lake. human skeletal remains easily visible at its bottom when snow melts. There are many theories  etc.but nothing can be told definitely. It is also called Skeleton lake.
In my next article, I'll come with 2 more of such unusual places in India.

Wednesday 31 December 2014

My wishes 2015

My wishes- 2015
1. Talibans and their types have been packed and dispatched to Titan, Saturn’s Moon.
2. Obama has sent big Rose bouquets to the Chinese and the Russian Presidents.
3. All black money has been painted white.
4. Indians have stopped peeing out in the street.
5. Calcutta football league is played by the Bengalis.
6.SRK and Salman Khan have started making Art Films.
7.Indians have stopped taking pride in going  and settling abroad.
8. Politicians have discovered a thing named Shame.
9. Mukesh Ambani has donated his house to the orphans.
10. Even the last rapist has been castrated.
Wish you a rocking 2015!!!

Sunday 28 December 2014

Farewell Friend!

Like every other year, 2014 will also become a part of history shortly.Like all other years, we lost some, we gained some, we  cried some and we smiled some.I don't know if it was worth living.Life, they say, is worth living, if you've become better man today. Likewise, a nation is worth it, if it has become a better nation this year. As I say good bye to 2014, I feel like seeing off someone whom I've known for a year. Who was he? a friend? a foe? what are you Time? Who are you?I may not meet you again but ye will remain with me till to dust I returnest!I wait to kiss the first Sun...I wish every reader a very happy and prosperous 2015!

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas in India

Christmas Traditions in India
Less than 2.5% of Indians are Christians but many Christmas is celebrated in a big way in India specially in Goa which is inhabited by maximum Roman Catholics, almost every home has the light of a star shinning.
Christmas often coincides with the Winter Solstice which is celebrated in India  and is called Makar Sakranti. During this special time sweets are prepared and distributed to the family
Christmas and the New Year is officially celebrated at the Rashtrapati Bhavan by the President of India. Rashtrapati Bhavan means 'President House' and is the official residence of the President of India which located in New Delhi
Christmas is also known as bada din meaning 'the big day'
Christmas Traditions in India - The Food!
What do people eat in other countries at this special time of the year? Festive feasts and recipes are traditional for special occasions including family dinners and meals. Interesting facts about the special food eaten as part of the customs and Christmas traditions in India:
  • Community feasting, called Lengkhawn Zai, is enjoyed by many Indians
  • Homemade cookies are eaten
  • Main meals include mutton stews and roast meats including duck
  • Athirasam, a sweet made in South India especially during festivals are popular in India as is Christmas Pudding
Indian Christmas Vocabulary

  • What is the name for Santa Claus? Christmas Baba in Hindi and Christmas Thaathaa in Tamil

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Shame on You!

These are the militants who chose the innocent children to be their opponent in Pakistan yesterday. I don't know who they are, nor do I need to know. All I feel is that quickly and surely ,we're making this beautiful planet a place of pain and suffering. Were we born to kill others? must we  dip our hand in innocent blood? My heart goes out to the families for whom 16th December, 2014 became a nightmare for the rest of their lives.
"Every minute that passes by,
I can see the drops of blood fall,
The running river that flows down my arm,
That spreads out across my hands,
And drips from my finger tips.
The drops stain the paper in my hand,
The notes for my parents,
Telling them good-bye
Telling them not to cry,"