Nehru Jacket vs. Modi Jacket

Posted by Unknown on 10:03 with 3 comments
1.Jackets have always in in very high demand amongst Indian politicians.The Topis(Gandhi caps) and Jackets(Nehru style) have always hogged attention.But with Mr Narendra Modi started designing his own jackets, things have changed somewhat.

2.The Nehru jacket had many names - sadri, bandi -earlier only black and grey jackets were in demand which would cost 500-600 rupees  but they seem to be now influenced by PM Modi's choice of colors and taste.The colored ones come for around 1200 rupees.

3.Nehru Jackets were popularized by Beatles in the West.They went on to become so popular that in James Bond Movies, we can see villains wearing them. Even  Sean Connery, Bond himself, wears that in "DR No".
4.Coming to Modi Jacket, but for Mr Modi, most BJP workers in Delhi go to Mustafa, a tailor for getting "Modi Jackets" stitched.
So, The war is not limited to the 2 political parties alone. It's about two warring style statements as well !- Manasi Ghosh