In 2014?part 1

Posted by Unknown on 10:11 with No comments

Some observations on typical Indian superstitions-51, 101, 108, are considered as auspicious number in majority of people.

* Number 3 is considered as an evil number. Traveling of

* Number 786 is considered as a lucky  number in Muslim community.

Right side is considered as auspicious, while left side is considered as inauspicious. In any religious rituals, people use their right hand. In rituals wife always sit on left side of her husband as she is considered as a secondary 'thing'. Even at the time of the marriage, the place of the bride is at the left of the groom.

people give or take money, ornaments, gifts or even a flower by right hand only.

Buying of any new things including Land, House, vehicles, Ornaments, Computers is preferred on auspicious days, especially on the days of festivals.

three persons together is avoided.